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Fort Wayne Chiropractic Care Helps Get Your Head on Straight for Neck Pain Relief

March 27, 2018

Ever heard the saying “get your head on straight”?  It has an entirely different meaning to your Fort Wayne chiropractor at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc. Your chiropractor actually looks at how your head is aligned on your neck. That alignment – or misalignment – may cause discomfort, neck pain, with or without shoulder pain.  Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc relieves such pain gently and successfully for Fort Wayne neck pain and Fort Wayne shoulder pain patients. Fort Wayne chiropractic care is evidence-based and has research-documented protocols for neck pain relief.


Does your head sit forward on your neck? It is a common condition in us humans. It can cause neck and shoulder pain, headache and loss of neck motion (such as turning to look behind to back up your car). Chiropractors like yours at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc have a specific form of Fort Wayne spinal manipulation to aid this condition called Cox® Flexion Distraction Decompression spinal manipulation. The treatment is established on the anatomical changes verified in biomechanical research studies to occur when this spinal manipulation is given. Specifically the increased size of the opening through which the nerve passes, the reduction of the pressure within the intervertebral disc, the increased disc space height, the recovery of normal ranges of motion of the neck, and the establishment of spinal cord stimulation to create chemical changes that lessen pain. Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc has research studies that document these pain-relieving changes for which Fort Wayne neck pain patients come to the office.  Fort Wayne chiropractic care at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc is built on such studies.


A research study issued in December 2017 showed that spinal manipulation - like that delivered at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc - achieves this pain relief. It is given in the upper thoracic spine (between the upper shoulder areas). (1) The treatment can be given on specially designed spinal manipulation tables for treating such conditions. This research paper showed that there was enhanced range of motion, improved positioning of the head on the neck, reduced neck and head pain and cut disability. So, if this description describes your neck and head posture, seek care at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc for this specialized type of spinal manipulation. It’s gentle and effective.

CONTACT Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc

Listen to this PODCAST from THE BACK DOCTORS PODCAST series about a frustrated neck pain and shoulder pain patient who ultimately got relief from his local chiropractic back pain specialist using Cox® Technic after conventional medical care wasn’t helping him.

Schedule a Fort Wayne chiropractic appointment to get rid of your Fort Wayne neck pain and shoulder pain … and get your head on straight!

Fort Wayne chiropractic at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc helps relieve neck and shoulder pain.