Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc's Treatment Plan Overview
The Cox Technic Treatment plan describes in detail the treatment frequency, adjunctive care therapies, at home care suggestions, and your expectations for return to your life without the pain.
"Control, Not Cure" is the mantra of a successful spinal pain relief chiropractic treatment plan for all Fort Wayne residents. It's crucial to understand that a condition like tropism or a transitional segment is constantly going to be there, or that a disc herniation's influence on the spine remains even after its pain is is no longer there, just like a bruise on an apple.
The proven pain relief treatment plan combined with Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols involves in-office care, at-home care and acceptance of the fact that it takes time to heal. It won't take forever, but it will take a period of time. "Control, Not Cure" is a realistic approach to spine pain relief, and we will work with you all along the way. If you are born with a spinal condition that weakens your spine strength, realize that the condition will always exist, and you must avoid irritation of the condition. You must also be mindful of the need for chiropractic spinal manipulation, exercise, and proper use of your spine to avoid pain.

We at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc are here to assist you with understanding your condition and its influence on your life and are willing to be your chiropractic partner in pain-free living. Contact us in Fort Wayne to start your chiropractic treatment plan.