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Dr. James M. Cox

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Born and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Dr. Cox’s education includes pre-chiropractic studies at Purdue University and a B.A. from Lewis University. In 1963 he graduated as valedictorian from the National College of Chiropractic (know today at National University of Health Sciences). He continued his education and received his diplomate with the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. Later, he invented flexion-distraction manipulation (aka Cox® Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression Adjusting and Manipulation), the chiropractic adjusting technique used to treat lumbar disc protrusion, facet syndrome, sacroiliac aberrancy, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, and fixation subluxation.

Dr. Cox is currently a member of the postgraduate faculty division of the National University of Health Sciences and the American Chiropractic College of Radiology; past president, Council of Radiology; retired legislative chairman (after 24 years), Indiana State Chiropractic Association; past president, Indiana State Chiropractic Association; member, NINDS Conference 1974; founding director of the International Academy on Chiropractic Low Back Pain Study (1976-1991); co-investigator and clinician for federally funded research projects currently underway at the National University of Health Sciences Research Department with Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and other institutions:
  • the first project (1994-1997) focuses on the biomechanics of flexion-distraction,
  • the second project (1997-2000) focuses on the comparison of flexion distraction protocol outcomes and medical conservative care outcomes for back pain, and
  • the third (2000-2004) focuses on the comparison of flexion distraction protocol outcomes and medical conservative outcomes for neck pain.
These are funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and donations from chiropractors and other chiropractic-interested persons and organizations. Several other projects are also underway with funding from federal agencies at Palmer Research Center, University of Iowa, and National University of Health Sciences. Most recently the federally funded research study by Palmer, Loyola Stritch School of Medicine and the Hines Veterans' Administration Hospital documents the biomechanical effects of flexion distraction on the cervical spine components. The cervical spine randomized control trial at Palmer Research Center is also underway.

Dr. Cox is a re-known lecturer on the biomechanics, diagnosis, examination and treatment of spine pain with Cox® Technic. He has been honored to be an invited speaker around the world to present for chiropractic and medical education meetings from the European Chiropractic Union, the British Chiropractic Association, the Japanese Chiropractic Association, Australian Chiropractic Association, Mexican Chiropractic Association, American Back Society, Challenge of the Lumbar Spine, and many state associations and colleges throughout the United States. Further, his adjusting procedure, called Cox Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression Adjusting spinal manipulation, is taught in chiropractic colleges as core or elective curriculum.

Dr. Cox is the author of Low Back Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis, Treatment, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, now in its sixth edition. The seventh edition is expected Fall 2011 by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. As well, Dr. Cox is the author of the privately published text, Neck, Shoulder and Arm Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis, Treatment, whose third edition was released in 2005.

Dr. Cox has maintained a limited private practice for nearly 55 years and directs the Fort Wayne Chiropractic Radiological Center.