Fort Wayne Chiropractic Newsletter for November 2015

Spinal Manipulation + Exercise = More Pain Relief
Patients with neck pain were compared: spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) plus home exercise vs home exercise vs supervised home exercise. At 12 weeks, patients treated with SMT and who did home exercise reported more relief and satisfaction, even more than those who had their home exercise supervised! (1) So let’s work together! Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc will provide the Fort Wayne chiropractic spinal manipulation, you do the home exercise. We’ll make a great team!

Vitamin C for Cells
Disc degeneration is a complicated business. Contributing factors, Tumor Necrosis Factor A and serum deprivation, set in motion death (apoptosis) of the nucleus pulposus cells. Vitamin C stimulates the growth and spread of those nucleus pulposus cells which is beneficial! (2) So along with your Fort Wayne chiropractic adjustment, nutritional factors come into play like Vitamin C.

Whom You See for Back Pain First Matters
The money spent on back pain as well as what is done for back pain (imaging, surgery, emergency visit, injections) is influenced by which healthcare provider is seen first. In this study, 54.8% saw a primary care physician, 27.7% saw a chiropractic physician, 11.1% saw a physiatrist, and 6.4% saw a physical therapist. Seeing a primary care physician first increased risk for all of the above. Seeing a chiropractor reduced the risk for advanced imaging and surgeon visits yet increased the term of care. (3) Those are some great stats about chiropractic care! You’ll love seeing your Fort Wayne chiropractor at Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc for your Fort Wayne back pain.
Contact Cox Chiropractic Medicine Inc today for all your Fort Wayne chiropractic spinal care need!